

It isn’t every day that we’re invited to meet with the Ambassador of den Hague Tim Broas and the Chamberlain International School group. But, in many ways it’s easy to see why education to special needs families is as important in the Netherlands as it is in the US. Recent legislation in the EU requires schools, both public and private to provide educational and treatment alternatives. That’s why we’re here.

As educators, clinicians and experts in courts, laws require funding to make things better for the underserved and at risk populations. This year, we have traveled throughout the EU and UK in speaking to professional, legal, and parent groups about increasing familiarity with US and regional resources offering treatment for alcohol and drug abuse, psychological assessment & therapeutic treatment, and educational alternatives.

We are proud to be identified as true international treatment and educational planners, and take this role very serious in traveling throughout the world to make it happen in an ethical and effective way. We hope we can help find the ‘right fit’ for your family’s needs.

From the Netherlands….