Education today is far more of a complex issue than previously considered within the realm of custody evaluations. Families move away to other states, other nations, and then back again with children not only requiring specialized supports, but consistent and challenging education to transition seamlessly across geographic landscapes
Education analysis of best interest of the child in family custody matters continues to be fraught with errors: many custody evaluators and GALs who are hired to address the best interest of the child in education or school matters simply are not trained, and more than often not licensed to do the work, and far less have training and licensure in combination to be considered expert in their work.
For this reason, evaluators are turning to outside experts in education to bolster their own roles and reports, consciously understanding it’s the ethical thing to do in meeting the legal requirement of “best interest of the child.” .
Do your best — only hire the best who is trained and experienced to work in the “best interest” of your child and family in finding education options that work.
That professional is Dr Burdick. Contact our offices today to discuss your family matter of importance.