Will they ever grow up to be successful adults? Young Warriors of tomorrow? The short answer is “No, not without the necessary life experiences.” There is no substitute for learning personal responsibility and living within a legal, committed community.

Unless you believe a fourth grade mathematics ability will save the world from the economic disaster, and a class clown will become the next US President.

In my thirty years of training and experience, I recognize that parents are looking for that “magic” answer, that “moment of change” in finding the right prescription of medication and responsive adults who will “help” their youth to jump to the next maturational plateau. Sort of like Mario Brothers Donkey Kong.

Some may even be convinced smoking or drinking can help alleviate stress and promote growth. And they let unhealthy habits simply go on too long to find they’ve completely lost any momentum they felt was once there.

However, human behavioral change doesn’t work quite that way, and requires both daily routine instruction and strong “buy in” from youth. And that’s why structured programs and schools work in providing that developmentally savvy, consistent, and supportive environment that cannot be replicated at home or within the neighborhood school setting.

A year of boarding is equal to three years of home life in producing adaptive behavioral and emotional change. Why would you wait to give this gift? With the holidays coming, seriously consider a quality education for your son or daughter. Seriously, give us a call and we’ll get you a maturation gauge (MG) and a prescription of success for your youth.