MilestonesI suspect that many know of Milestones as an addictions center nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains closer to Calabasas than the Pacific Ocean. MRM is known for outstanding recovery work thanks to superb staff like Savannah in admissions to Denise Klein, Executive Director, I have come to know personally the extent of ‘caring’ to clients offered by this facility. After only thirty days, this early 20 year old has done extremely well at Milestones and considered a “model” client for the program.

How did I know this treatment center would work for this client? Years of experience in watching how certain treatment providers hold themselves and articulate treatment, understanding the power of ‘tuned in’ treatment communities, and recognizing how the ‘right fit’ makes the difference for clients in recovery. MRM trusts my instincts as much as I do theirs, and in this way, and after doing considerable due diligence on both of our parts, ‘the fit’ becomes apparents.

The worst mistake a client family can make is to ‘go it alone’, off the internet and into treatment facility that looks good “on screen”, but isn’t the ‘right fit’. Don’t make that mistake, please. Give us a call so we can find the solution that works for you or your family member.

Dr. Mark Burdick