Family Law YouTube Channel presents expert Dr Burdick

I have the immense pleasure of appearing with family law attorney Warren Shiell on his YouTube channel. I discuss the role of the Educational Psychologist Expert in family law proceedings, and highlight my recent AJFP (American Journal of Forensic Psychology) article co-authored with Jon Gould, well known and highly qualified Custody Evaluator. Watch Mr. Shiell’sContinue reading Family Law YouTube Channel presents expert Dr Burdick

COVID, Family Law, Medical Ethics, and Education: The New Norm

Thank you IAMHL for inviting me to present next year in Lyon France ( on a timely international topic. COVID -19 creates an unprecedented mixture of global legal, medical ethical, and school chaos for family courts and child custody evaluators. US Judges with help from GALs (Guardian Ad Litems) make ill- considered decisions of whereContinue reading COVID, Family Law, Medical Ethics, and Education: The New Norm