I’m your IEP expert!

It’s 8 AM when the phone rings and the voice says “Hello, this is Dr. Mark Burdick? Hi, I’m with the DODea (Dept. of Defense Education Activity) and we have an IEP scheduled where we need a complete psychological evaluation conducted along with recommendations for schools for a student with exceptional needs.” This is aContinue reading I’m your IEP expert!


Every so many conferences you get out of the conference what you hope to get out of it, and that’s certainly what happened in London this month. iCAAD is an addiction and mental health centered conference where professionals worldwide come to London to talk of “stuff”. “Stuff” like — why certain types of treatment workContinue reading AMAZING iCAAD Stories

Podcast on! Listen in on Neil Brown’s interview of Dr Burdick

Neil Brown, LCSW extraordinaire interviews Dr Burdick (aka The American Psychologist) traveling the world and sharing views on sharing of cultures, travel and living overseas. What the family needs to survive! Mandatory listening for anyone who is planning or finding themselves in a new community away from home! Here’s the link: Enjoy! https://goo.gl/51QuqX

NATSAP Kennebunkport ME 2017: Be there or be lobster!

NATSAP Northeast Kennebunkport, Maine never ceases to enthuse, entertain, and attract the best in the adolescent and young adult behavioral health industry. It is a yearly event that many of consultants and professionals attend for the camaraderie if not the lobster festivities. Yes, to the left is a lobster of phenomenal proportion! And yes, althoughContinue reading NATSAP Kennebunkport ME 2017: Be there or be lobster!